Flashing Light?
2006-11-28 14:13:27 UTC
From about 5 yrs, it was late at night and i was talking to a friend on the phone when i notice a light flashing so quickly infront of my room. So, i think it was the electricity. I turn off the main switch and i come back to my room. The flashing light passes again! i saw it for about 4 times flashing and passing infront of my door room. Frankly, I was in panic and started crying. Anyone has any idea about what this might be?

Thank U so Much!
Four answers:
Gypsy Girl
2006-11-29 14:06:07 UTC
Most likely it was a reflection of passing car lights. The light could have reflected off something outside and into your room. If there was anyone else in the house it could have been a practical joke.
2006-11-29 01:33:43 UTC
Lights like that are usually energy forms, like T said. Don't worry. You're lucky to have seen something so interesting.
2006-11-28 22:17:30 UTC
Maybe it was an alien or ghost.
2006-11-28 23:37:28 UTC
It was Christmastime, it was your neighbor's lights.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.