Do you still think that God is wrong about homosexuality??
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you still think that God is wrong about homosexuality??
36 answers:
2006-08-15 07:02:36 UTC
Oh please tell me why sh*te like this is not a hate crime...

This is highly offensive for 100 different reasons.

1. There is _no such thing_ as heterosexuality and homosexuality in paedophilia. The gender is irrelevant in paedophilia because it's all about control anyway and not sexual attraction.

2. Whoever the hell the FRI is is trying to suggest that homosexuals are more likely to be paedophiles. This kind of smear campaign is disgusting and offensive.

3. What, is your god _right_ about the 65% who are apparently 'heterosexual'? Are these good people?

4. Your final assumption that 'these are the ones who have been reported' is also ridiculous. You'd like us to believe that there are plenty more 'homosexual paedophiles' out there (but of course no more 'heterosexual paedophiles', right?)

5. Sorry, I had more that I wanted to say but I'm just far too insulted by this question...
Debra M. Wishing Peace To All
2006-08-15 07:32:16 UTC
This is sickening. How can you use this as proof of anything but human sinfullness. These people should not be harming any children. They all should be prosecuted. I am a Christian too and although I do not approve of homosexuality as a life style I also disaprove far more of child molestation. The damage done to these children is irreparable. What kind of monsters are these people?
2006-08-15 07:06:41 UTC
It would seeem to me that the problem is foster-parenting, not so much gays or straights. So there would have to be reform of the foster-parenting system--perhaps better screening and oversight. But I know what you want is just reform for gays, perhaps pushing all queers back into the closet.

The ones who are wrong are the ones who feel really brave about proclaiming their hatred and bigotry when they're hiding behind the skirt on poor Jesus' robe.
2006-08-15 07:05:56 UTC
Anyone who molests any child regardless of gender or sexuality deserved full punishment under the law. And for the record I don't believe in God so that is not applicable.
2006-08-15 07:05:12 UTC
The FRI is a right-wing fundamentalist organization that has been repeatedly criticised for lack of scientific approach in their research, so first, consider the source.

Next, understand that child abuse is not about sexual orientation, it is about power. Heterosexual men abuse both boys and girls; this does not indicate their sexual preference, but their psychological need to hold power over an individual.

Almost all child abuse is performed by family members or close relatives. Studies show that in general the proportion of abusers correlates with sexual orientation - in other words, homosexual adults are no more or less likely to abuse than heterosexuals.

And as to god's view - you can't disagree with god if you are a believer, and you don't have to consider his opinion if you are atheist or agnostic, so your fundamental premise is flawed.
2006-08-15 07:03:54 UTC
I think man is wrong to waste his time worrying about homosexuals. It would seem that you have sexual deviants and homosexuals confused. I also think that it is arrogant for any man to assume he knows the will of God, even if inspired.
2006-08-15 07:03:34 UTC
I don't believe that this is enough data to make a sound judgment...Jim
2006-08-15 07:02:48 UTC
I am still not convinced that God said anything about Gay people. I believe that Man created that "Rule" not God.

Alexander Shannon
2006-08-15 07:42:10 UTC
If one third of all molestations are homosexual.

TWO THIRDS are "straight".

Your point is based, not only on biased material, but doesnt defend "gods" position.
Auntie Alex
2006-08-15 07:13:01 UTC
Firstly we're talking about statistics presumably only done in Illinois, if you look at world statistics usually child abusers are heterosexuals even though they will abuse any child even one of their own sex, which brings me to my second point, it's not a question of sexual orientation but a question of sick minds, these people are pedophiles!!!

I am a Christian but I do believe that homosexuals would have chosen to be straight if they could have, they can't help their feelings and attractions so I don't think anyone has the right to condemn them, after all the bible itself says that where there is love there is God.

I think you are generalizing and judging - let God be the judge!!!
Grandma Susie
2006-08-15 07:02:04 UTC
God is NEVER wrong about anything.
2006-08-15 08:15:46 UTC
I don't think your Jesus would have ever spoken the way you just spoke.

Second of all, mixing up homo/heterosexuality with raping children, doesn't only make you the moron, the mix-up of these things makes you more like an oxymoron.

Actually offensive nonsense like this doesn't even deserve an answer. You already got way too much attention.

If you don't know how wrong this is, then you probably will never learn. For most people I have hope in better education, for you there probably won't be any hope.

It's a good thing that people like you believe in Hell.
2006-08-15 15:01:24 UTC
Hmmm, somehow, the fact that your source is one that has a distinct gain to be got from misinformation of this kind in particular, causes me to doubt the accuracy of your statement.

Can you post a related article NOT from a christian site?

I'm finding it difficult to see your point, also. If it's to help validate your discriminations, it is a very poor example.

Tell me, do you know the amount of homosexual abuse that goes on within the christian church? I could give you an idea, although I highly doubt you could allow yourself to believe it.

Knights are renouned for their honour, sense of justice and chivalry. You it seems, are but a mere man, clinging to a picture of a knight as a poorly conceived form of symbolism.

Your words betray this.

You and those like you, may be able to manipulate the less intelligent of those americans you target, but you are truly weak in comparison to the British mentality. Why do you think we don't have nowhere near as many fundamentalists over here?

It's because generally speaking, WE have the ability to see the attempted deceit the ironically called 'loving' church tries to impose.

No wonder christianity (in the UK at least) is fast running out of people to occupy its pews...
2006-08-15 07:07:44 UTC
Maybe it's because the foster parents that adopted the children intended to molest them in the first place.

I don't see why God is wrong about homosexuality just from the given data. Are you implying that homosexuality is normal because insane foster parents molest children of the same gender as them?
2006-08-15 07:08:44 UTC
This article is sad and disturbing and I always pray over these type of situations, however to answer your question I don't need the article. God is never wrong, it is impossible for him to be wrong about this or anything else.

I do think people like this need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, especially foster parents, those children are supposed to be going to safety and these are the worse kind of perpetrators. I am a christian, so this is a very conflicting thing for me because I am against killing anyone, but this is one instant that I would totally be for having a death penalty in our law system. Someone needs to protect our children.

P.S. I just wanted to add that it doesn't matter to me if they are gay or straight. That is their lifestyle and they will have to answer for it either way. What matters here is the children.
2006-08-15 08:53:48 UTC
God is not wrong about homosexuality. The wrong one is human itself.

There's a qoute says " Every human born natural. It's their parents who design them into what they would be in the future."

"Born natural" mean knows nothing. We born without any knowlage isn't it? Who thaught us into living? Of course the people and the environment aroung us. People always had a tight grip on what they're experience when they're young. So if children grown up in such surrounding that have homosexuality and other ill social, what are they lead into. At this is God still at the wrong?
2006-08-15 07:09:09 UTC
Those numbers sound like BS pulled out of thin air. I read the article and it referes to some anonymous study but doesn't provide an actual reference for it.

But even if they are true, it doesn't prove anything about homosexuality in general, nor is it even the least bit scientific, as it merely assumes that gay foster parents are proportional to the general population of gays, and further merely assumes that gays represent 2-4% of the adult population in the areas they studied.
Phoenix, Wise Guru
2006-08-15 07:16:30 UTC
I don't get what you are trying to say. You're talking about child molesters, not intelligent, consenting adults. Notice that huge group of people who "heterosexually" abused children? What's your argument on that? Oh that's "normal" child abuse?

Children are not sexual beings anyway. To abuse one only means you are sick, there is nothing special about whether you happen to have a male or female foster child to abuse.
2006-08-15 07:10:11 UTC
Let's see God was wrong about:

The value of Pi being exactly 3 (1 kings 7:23)

The world has corners (Isaiah 11:12)

The world is sets on pillars (I Samuel 2:8)

Beetles have four legs (Leviticus 11: 21-23)

Rabbits chew their cud (Deuteronomy 14:7)

If you want to believe that biblical dribble as "truth" go ahead.

The only truth about religion is the practitioners are gullible.
Wayne S
2006-08-15 07:05:51 UTC
Inasmuch as some segments of liberal Christianity have expressed a willingness to accept the so-called “gay rights” movement as a legitimate lifestyle, and

Whereas the inerrant, inspired Word of God emphatically declares, in Romans chapter I, homosexuality to be vile, unclean, unnatural, unseemly, and an abomination in the sight of God, and

Whereas the United Pentecostal Church International is a fundamental Bible-believing organism entrusted with a divine destiny to provide spiritual direction to a wayward world,

Let us therefore resolve that the United Pentecostal Church International go on public record as absolutely opposed to homosexuality and condemn it as a moral decadence and sin, and do hereby encourage prayer for the deliverance of those enslaved by that satanic snare.
Mike C
2006-08-15 07:12:25 UTC
No, God is not wrong. Homosexuality and molestation of children are going to have dire consequences as He proved in Sodom and Gomorrah. Those tendencies are probably more common than we can imagine (which is not the problem) but dwelling on it is the primary "wrong". Many times I have thought about doing harm to somebody as revenge for something they did to me, BUT, I didn't follow through on it because I refused to dwell on it and allow it to become reality. As long as Satan is in control of this world (which is due to end soon) we are going to read about more and more debauchery that is almost unbelievable to most of us
2006-08-15 07:05:08 UTC
There is nothing like a lustful sinner saying that they couldn't help it. It is an excuse that God does not recognize or accept. God requires following the ten commandments and self conviction and repentance. As for people that abuse children the Lord says it is better to put a millstone about your neck and drown yourself. That is because confirmed sin is confirming hell in yourself.

“Cease to inquire in thyself…’What good shall I do that I may receive life eternal?’ Only abstain from evils as sins and look to the Lord, and the Lord will teach and lead thee”.

Emanuel Swedenborg

2006-08-15 09:25:31 UTC
This article cites only one source, and a dubious one at that. I'd take it with a large helping of salt, if I were you.
Casey M
2006-08-15 07:04:58 UTC
GOD IS NOT WRONG. its the people that do these things, not GOD. Are you really saying everybody should be homosexual, the worlds popuklation would cease to exist. If people would stop sleeping around, there wouldn't be so many babies to be put into foster-care. Its' people's fault, not CHRISTS, get your facts straight!
2006-08-15 07:04:28 UTC
I think that If It says In the Bible not to be a homosexual then I don't think that being a homosexual Is good, but you did bring up a good point!! Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you.
2006-08-15 07:03:01 UTC
You think there is a god out there who created the whole universe but now sits around worrying whether someone sticks something in someone else's butt?

Sorry, but God is a myth. It is a convincing myth on an emotional level, but it is still a myth. And homosexuality is an emotional issues, which is why people tailor their god-myth to it.
2006-08-15 08:00:25 UTC
Yet anotother example of the vast chasm that separates reason and fundamentalism.

What s.hithead you are.
2006-08-15 07:04:35 UTC
Homosexuality is wrong, just like it says in the Bible

God is never wrong

just beaucse it happens doesn't make it right.... this world is ruled by Satan.... which means it is filled with sin

there were 94,635 rapes in the U.S in 2004... that doesn't make it right......
2006-08-15 07:04:55 UTC
Coming from any man or organisation, it's opinion. Coming from God, it's law.

Remember in court you swear befor God as final authority.
2006-08-15 07:09:27 UTC
And they (homos) try to tell us that they think pedophilia is wrong. More of this "but I didn't inhale" type stuff.

Anyone who thinks homosexuality is not wrong should read Romans 1:18 -32.
pooh bear
2006-08-15 07:05:36 UTC
God created all things, how can His way be wrong, He was the one that made it all. Humans are the ones that screwed it up. Not God.
2006-08-15 07:03:01 UTC
Facts don't persuade people anymore. It's all about how they "feel" about certain subjects.
2006-08-15 07:02:23 UTC
It is more wrong that they are doing this to children.
2006-08-15 07:03:17 UTC

I'm gay and I was never molestered?!
2006-08-15 07:05:42 UTC
God is not wrong
2006-08-15 07:10:51 UTC
Definitely not! Romans I is the only place in the Holy Bible where it says twice that God "...gave them up..." and once that God "...gave them over..." to homosexuality/lesbianism. It also says they are reprobate or rejected by God. No other sins mentioned in The Holy Bible are given such a harsh reality. However, they can be forgiven if they will turn from their sins to Christ.

The only sin that will send you to hell!

Unbelief is the only sin that will send you to Hell.

The only sin that will send you to hell is the failure to know, understand and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the only true and living Lord God and that the blood Jesus Christ shed for you at Calvary is the only way you can have all your sins forgiven, removed and cleansed.

The Holy Bible in Hebrews 11:6 says “But without faith it is impossible to please him (God); for he that cometh to God must believe (have faith) that he (God) is, and that he (God) is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (God).” Parentheses mine!

If you want to be saved from all your sins and go to heaven when you die, you must, by faith, believe that Jesus Christ is the only true and living Lord God. (Romans 10:9-10 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus {that Jesus is Lord} and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believed unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”) You must, by faith, ask Jesus Christ to do forgive, remove and cleanse you from all your sins. (Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” and Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”) You must, by faith, ask Him to come into your heart/life and receive Him into your heart and life to live there forever. (John l:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to come sons {children} of God, even to them that believe on his name.”) You must, by faith, turn from your sins and live for Him the rest of your life. If you never come to do these things, you will not go to heaven. Give your heart and life to Jesus Christ today without delay. All of this is what is meant when the Lord Jesus Christ said: “Jesus answered, and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto, Except a man be born again , he cannot see the kingdom of God (go to heaven).” You were born physically into your earthly family. To go to heaven you must be born again spiritually into your heavenly family, God's spiritual family. If you never have, do this today. This is my prayer for you.

Note: Under the dispensation/age of law, during the Kingdom Age, when Jesus Christ was on earth, there was one other sin that could not be forgiven. In Matthew 12:24: (“24But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.”) The Pharisees accused the work of the Holy Spirit being of the devil. This particular sin had to do with casting a demon out of a blind and dumb (speechless) man. Several verses later in Matthew 12:31-32 (“31Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 32And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come..”) Jesus said that accusing the work of the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) being of the devil was blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and could not be forgiven. It is up for grabs, I could be wrong, but, since casting out of demons, miracles, healings and raising the dead were public signs and wonders to convince the Jews that Jesus Christ was their Messiah and since there is very little casting out of demons in this day and age and, I personally feel that this particular sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit does not apply to us who live under the dispensation of grace in this church age. Here is another rather incriminating verse: (“39But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.:”) Matthew 12:39-40. Under this age of living by faith under grace we have The Holy Bible to convince and show us How to live. Since we have everything we need in The Holy /Bible, we do not need public displayed signs and wonders. (“16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” II Timothy 3:16-17.)

I don't want be too dogmatic about this. You must decide for yourself.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.